Visit Yokohama

You can visit Yokohama as a day trip from Tokyo, as can be easily reached by train in about 40 minutes, depending on the departure point.

Yokohama is the second biggest city in Japan and it hosts the most important port of the country. This is where the country’s borders started to open again for foreigners in 1853, after 200 years of isolation.

I didn’t found this city so appealing as Tokyo, but are some nice things you can do to complete at least one day.


The biggest city’s attraction and the main reason you should visit Yokohama is to explore Chinatown. Apart from the fact it’s the biggest one in the world, there are around 600 stores and restaurants to be explored.

You can also stop to visit the Masobyo temple which is located inside the Chinatown.

Yamashita Park

Once you enjoyed the good food in Chinatown, it’s time for a walk along the Port of Yokohama. Start with Yamashita park then continue with the Yamashita-Rinko line promenade towards Aka-Renga Soko park.

Yokohama Red Rrick Warehouse

Stop to see the Yokohama Red Brick warehouse. Have a walk around the buildings while watching the bricks, which are the symbol of the city.

These are part of the few buildings that survived in time, after all the natural disasters like massive earthquakes. You can have a walk inside, are filled with stores.


On the same island, nearby, is the Cosmoworld, an amusement park with a big wheel which can be seen from far away – kind of a London Eye. To enter the park is free, so you can have at least a walk around.

Minato Mirai

If you want to stop for shopping this is the perfect place. Minato Mirai, the harbor of the future, hosts many shopping centers, hotels, museums, parks and the Yokohama Landmark Tower – which used to be the tallest building in Japan until 2014. If you want to have a panorama view of the city there is an observation deck on top of the building.


I personally didn’t went to any museums in Yohohama, but there are many options to chose from. Some choices can be the Cupnoodles museum, Maritime Museum Yohohama, Silk Museum – Shiruku Hakubutsukan.

Pikachu Parade

If you are a Pikachu fan and you are visiting the country in August, check when it’s the famous Pikachu parade. You will be able to see hundreds of different Pikachu walking and dancing around the Minato Mirai area.

The end

That’s it from my side! I do hope you’ll have enough time to visit Yokohama at least for a day. If not, just enjoy Japan as honestly this city is not a must see for a first time visit to Japan, you can leave it as a second priority.

Meanwhile, check here for more things to see and do while in Japan.