About Me

Kandovan Village, Iran

Hey! I am Alexandra (but everybody calls me Alex) and my big passion is travelling. I’m originally from Romania, living in Paris and working in the automotive field – as I’m an automotive engineer!

Since I was a kid I liked to explore, discover new places, so I was basically always looking for a reason to escape home. My grandfather used to tell me I was walking elsewhere, like The Lion, our neighbor’s dog (the correct translation in Romanian is “umbli usarnica ca Leu’ lui tanti Maricica”).

In time, I realized he was perfectly right. I am so hungry to discover, that even while travelling I can’t stop thinking of my next destination, where to go next.

Through this blog, I will share with you my personal experiences around the world, from my approx. 50 countries already visited and still many to come.

My adventures are even city breaks, even in-depth country discovery which I love the most! If I can give you an advice, would be to allocate enough time while visiting, to get the vibe of the place and get in touch with the people.

The best memories I ever created were because the people I met, rather than the places I’ve seen.

Thank you so much for taking the time and read ME!